Sunday, April 26, 2009

AMD Gets Testosterone Shots, Revs Chip Schedule

Trying to benefit the best from Intel, which beat it with the Nehalem quadruple-core, AMD indicated Wednesday during a webcast updating its program of unfolding that its so-called piece of Opteron Magny-Course, a piece 45nm of silicon with eight to 12 cores and the due one in 1Q10, took now.

It indicated that it would send units of seed in second half of these year and OEM awaited to have the systems 2P and 4P outside in first half of the next year.

The gadget is based on what AMD calls its directly bound architecture (DCA) 2.0. It proves that AMD gave up the so-called indigenous approach to put all the cores on one only part of silicon at the place one proven that who were supposed to make AMD 'quadruple-core of S first, Barcelona, so much completely fuss and is disastrous.

Magny-course goes the manner of Intel 's Juste-obtain-it-outside approaches and packs up two six-cores pieces of four-core together or two, according to Wall Street Journal, which teased the admission out of a timid AMD.

At all events, Intel was supposed to have the Nehalems eight-core outside towards the end of this year but it looks at 2010 now rather. Nehalem, moreover, is an indigenous quadruple-core.

AMD also mentioned a 32nm Interlagos Magny-Course called consequently, which had in 2011, which 's supposed to have 12 and 16 cores still for the platforms 2P and 4P.

Both belong to what AMD invites its platform of Marasello, supposed to advance at 2012 and at 2013.

AMD also indicated that it would have the low-end 1P and pieces of 2P San Marino: a core of furnace-six 45nm Lisbon and 32nm Valence in 2010 and 2011, respectively, which is supposed to advance at 2012 and 2013, if AMD lasts that a long time.

He refused to discuss the frequencies of clock in spite of the fear which each core can strongly be considerably dumbed-down in the processors multinucl�aires.

The platform of Marasello is the line of demarcation between AMD 'core 2000-2001 of S old Opteron and its new core of bulldozer.

AMD employs multi-cores to compensate for its lack of hyperthreading, a technique of Intel.

DCA 2.0 claims support the cores a dozen, an integrated controller of four channels, four bonds of AMD HyperTransport, AMD-V 2.0 virtualisation and so-called depreciation of power of AMD-P widgetry. AMD called it has design based on the use of platform.

While waiting, AMD 'piece of Istanbul of six-core of S is due to launching in front of the program in June, promising a jump of execution of 30% above Changha� on which him 's based. AMD will start to embark it for the income the next month.

The groupie Nathan Brookwood of piece said that it looks at as AMD has its back of groove insofar as the execution disappears. It completely lost it when it botched the piece of Barcelona, which left one late year, calculation of the costs the company which the edge Opteron gave it above Intel.

Wasn de Brookwood 't awaiting Istanbul until October.

Apparently the hasn of Intel 't doing that well with its first six-core, the piece of Dunnington, which is unfortunately based on the company 'the S went back the bus to before-side.

Absolute profits of execution-by-Watt of promise of Istanbul and Magny-Court.

Ah, yes, and day AMD of the ground eliminated the quadruple-core from 40W Opteron EE, its part of low-power meant for the very dense environments such as the portion of calculation and Web of cloud.

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