The chipmakers Intel and Advanced Micro Devices judge constantly with the one-up. AMD thought that it had gained an important edge with Barcelona sailed round by product in September 2007: many press releases of AMD sounded trumpet that it was the �indigenous� piece of the four-processor of the world first based on the design x86, which is the principal support of the majority of the GCV and systems of waiter.
That distinction-which means that four electronic brains are integrated on one only part of silicon-didn' T finish AMD to the top of assistance much. The customers seemed perfectly happy with a product of the �quadruple-core� of Intel the �not-native� approach, which packed up two pieces biprocessors in a package and helped Intel to obtain to launch on the market quickly with, as industry calls them. Barcelona upwards finished having delays and engineering problems early, also, although AMD later matched those outside in a piece of follow-up called Changha�.
Now AMD seems to have changed its air. The company Wednesday announced that it prepares a few new pieces in first quarter of 2010 qu ' it described as 8 12 of core processors of core and. Although the official statement and the slides of press do not mention it, AMD recognizes that they will be the first deviation of the company of the indigenous approach; a piece will pack up two pieces of four-processor together, and the other will be composed of two pieces of six-processor.
Required on the shift, the vice-president of Patrick Patla-a and the managing director responsible for the pieces of AMD waiter-known as the multiple pieces of packing not never known as of company together �is a bad idea,� as long as the execution of calculation is not sacrificed in the process. Next pieces, which will exploit a new technology of connection that AMD calls directly bound architecture 2.0, �were optimized for the execution� thus the users do not obtain shorts-changed of the whole, it said. Patla called the question of the strategy of piece-packing of tedious AMD �,� being compared a little with the advantages that the new pieces will bring.
It is worth to note Intel also took a page out of the action plans of its rival from time to time. The last high piece at end of the company, doubled Nehalem, is not only one indigenous design of quadruple-core but also incorporates an integrated function called a culminating point of contoller-a of memory of the designs of AMD for six year-quIntel in the past ridiculed.
I think that it just states that there is no absolute ici-quand something functions for one or the other of the suppliers is who what they will make,� said Rob Enderle, which operates companies of council of technology of Silicon Valley called the group of Enderle. �Sometimes the other type has it in fact right.�
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