AMD will release its processor of Opteron of six-core in June in order to try to follow Intel rival. The new piece will come outside for five months in front of program. AMD tries to oblige its new processor to box outside inside on more than $800 billion in the expenditure stimulus government.
Answering the pressure of the competition of Intel and eager to box inside on a piece of the package of stimulus of the government $800 billion, races of AMD to obtain with its piece of Opteron of six-core outside five months in front of program.
The government of the United States was very good with AMD in the past, using the piece 64-bit of Opteron of AMD in much of deployments of high-output computer placed of the government sources. Because the legislators start to spend almost the $800 billion money of stimulus on a series of projects, the suppliers and the suppliers of solution are reduction in preparation.
According to industrial analysts, the government organizations will spend of the dollars of stimulus in new waiters, technology and giant computers of health care, great news for suppliers of solution with customers at large companies with the needs increasing for center of data processing, health care and computer high-output. The new expenditure of industry will also increase; for example, the government envisages to spend $2 billion for factories lithium-ion.
The six-core proposed Opteron, Istanbul called of AMD, was not envisaged for five more months, according to Nathan Brookwood, an industrial analyst with Insight64. But with Intel rival announcing his processor EX of Nehalem, AMD must hurry to continue.
AMD indicates it will release Istanbul in June 2009, and believes that Istanbul will maintain them in competing operation against Intel during the next year. The company believes that a processor proposed of 12 cores, Magny-Course called, in 2010 will give them an important advantage, Brookwood known as.
And it can be why Advanced Micro Devices Inc. this week indicated that it releases its piece of Opteron of six-core in June, well in front of program, and of plans to follow it to the beginning of the year next with a piece Magny-Course called which will embark in eight and 12 models of core. After that, it envisages a piece of 16 cores in 2011.
But at the same time AMD announced its new, aggressive program, the CTO Justin from Intel that Rattner was already in Washington with an INTEL-active conference, selling his company 'pieces of S.
I think that we see a certain number of occasions, and what is we try to make to raise the conscience that it is one extremely favourable moment, indicates Rattner, adding that Intel entirely realizes of the government of the 'plan of S to spend much of money in technology and is carried in balance to benefit from such occasions.
Although it is still not very clear how much federal dollars will go to technology, Rattner indicated that Intel was particularly interested by the money of stimulus aiming to seek further in the climate change using the high-output computer.
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