Bottom-of-the-range: Athlon X2 BE-2350
Athlon X2 BE-2350 has the price indicated below $100 and provides the execution of office full to a thermal point evaluated with design only of 45 W. Although Intel also has the processors of ideal efficiency, the 2 duelles lines of core of duet and of Pentium of the core are evaluated with a maximum of 65. In the theory, the basic processor power of AMD should have a significant advantage while functioning with insufficient cooling.
Athlon X2 BE-2350 functions with 2.1 gigahertz of the frequency of clock and has two 512 hiding-places of the KB L2. It is based on the process of nanometer DSL ONESELF of the current 65, which provides the superbly low currents of escape. These processors use casing AM2 at a speed of bond of 1 gigahertz. Note that all Athlon 64 X2 processors are estimated at 68 W or rise, whereas this processor, although technically similar, is specified only to 45 W.
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